
You Are A Masterpiece

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You Are A Masterpiece

We have a special guest this week. 

From someone who week in and week out shares her lovely, poetic, and intuitive insights through words that have pierced through to my soul. So much so that I asked her to share her gift on our blog. To hopefully leave a more permanent stamp on the inter-web, further then Facebook. So Sister Amber Dawn … thank you. Thank you for your love, light and intuition. Find more of her love and others in our group >





You Are A Masterpiece

Today I read a short post where someone was against others speaking in kindness, then their actions are the opposite. They said actions speak louder than words. There was also, more in the post. As an intuitive empath, my energy was attacked by the negative intention beneath their words. After exchanging with that person, I found they had been hurt and the post was a reaction to that hurt. Not their true spirit.
This is the largest social media on this planet. Most of us have not and will never meet in person. So our words ARE our actions. I often react in a negative way when I sense someone’s words are those of a bully. But, I normally just defend. I don’t take the time to talk to them to find what is behind it.
I wonder now, how often I might have missed that they were just hurting.
That someone else had caused their state of mind. Well, the past is done. I can do something
moving forward. I can do something I am not attacked often with someone else’s negativity. But, from here, I’m going to try to not react. I’m going to see if that person will talk with me, instead.
Yes, there may be times when I will just step aside. But, if I take the time to exchange words with them, perhaps they will vent that negative energy. Maybe they won’t feel they need to continue to spread that energy. I’m still going to be all about…. “Do no harm… But take no sh**!”.
 I can see more clearly now, how easy it is for us in these human vessels to react as human beings. Driven by emotion. It’s not about our true soul or spirit. In this lifetime we are encased within the human vessel. We have to work around the human brain. A brain that receives programming from the time we are born. I think it’s those programs we are shedding as we awaken to more consciousness. And as we become more of who we really are, we are reprogramming this brain to work FOR us. We are taking control of ourselves. This is a new concept for this brain. It needs to adjust to this information awakening within us. Look how much our thinking changes as we advance in the awakening process! We unlearn pretty much everything we were taught to believe as truth. As we go, we are releasing knowledge that has always been there. We are a work in progress. But this time!!!! This time, we are becoming a magnificent masterpiece! Just as we were each created to be.
                  “”I just need to get out of my own way”” 
– Amber C. Dawn 
Follow her light >>>